My Own Personal Thanks-Giving

I never really got the whole “blog” thing.  I mean, who in the world wants to read someone else’s random, personal thoughts?  It makes sense for information dissemination or business ideology or academic debate.  That I get.  But somehow, blogs have become a new way for us to connect, albeit from afar, and a powerful one at that.

So even though I do not quite get the allure, I am willing to participate, because Gods know (as do those of you around me) I love to hear myself talk… or write.  😉

On this most noteworthy day, I awoke to the sounds of my 3-year old son quietly chatting away with himself, as he normally does, while he waited for his mother and I to rise.  I could hear gentle “smacking” sounds as well, which I immediately knew were my wife’s kisses on the face of our newborn daughter.  And as I lie there, pushing away the cobwebs of sleep, their collective presence enveloped me in a cocoon of peace, joy, happiness, and comfort, and I realized that Thanksgiving was upon us, and that what I was experiencing was the essence of what the last Thursday of November was all about.

Whether I achieve my dreams and goals or not, I know that my life has been a success, for the love of a magnificent woman, and the gift of two incredible children.  As I write this with teardrop-wet fingers, I give my thanks to Tina, for loving me, agreeing to be my life’s partner, and most of all for giving me Teagan and Aislynn.  For if I do nothing else for the remainder of my days, they will satisfy my eternal desire to leave a mark on our world, and the fact that I was chosen to be their father will forever tower above any other accomplishment I could hope to achieve.

I love you 3 with everything I am, forever, no matter what.

In parting, I wish for you, kind reader, be it today, Thanksgiving Day, or another day of the year you might happen across this missive, to find your own focus of thanks; to recognize it, embrace it, and revel in all of the power it gives you through the clarity of vision that no thing on this planet, in this life, matters more than those around you whom you call family.

Happy Thanksgiving,
