The Novel – #1

I am finally getting around to posting something on my progress/process.  With two little ones and a full-time job, finding time to write is difficult at best.  But I have been doing a lot of the mental work of sorting out storylines, weeding through possibilities, and constructing the pathway along which the tale will travel.

Back when I began the script for “Techgnostica,” I had the notion that there was far more story to tell than just a single movie’s worth.  That made me think of the Wachowski Brothers and their relentless pursuit of positioning “The Matrix” as a trilogy from the very beginning.  And that in turn gave rise to a similar notion for my story.  Now, after much internal debate, and after a good conversation with Tina, I think I have realized that, although I COULD tell this as a single movie, there truly is at least one other story that needs to be told… perhaps two.

So, I will either write an epic novel or a series, and will expect to write a trilogy of scripts for the movie-version.  That is the current plan… as always, this is subject to change… a LOT.  😉

Last night, with this new concept in mind, I was able to sit down and actually outline 3/4 of the story.  It seems that in trying to cut corners and be concise enough to fit into some prescribed structure, I was closing off avenues that needed to be traveled, and this was contributing to the block I have been experiencing.

So, now I am feeling like I can, once again, put pen to paper, and get back to the more obvious form of writing.  In doing so, I have crafted a couple of “sequences” that may play nicely as short stories, and I am wanting to put those up in this blog or somewhere on the site.  But I am concerned with rights violations, and impingement on publishing possibilities, and a variety of other issues.  So, until I get that stuff sorted and understood, I will hold off.

More later…

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