Practice Makes Perfect

We are familiar with the old saw, “Practice makes perfect,” right?  But have you ever stopped to think about exactly WHAT you are practicing?

In keeping with the spirit of this blog, I offer up my deepest darkest secrets, bearing my soul for the world to see, mock, turn a disgusted eye from, etc.  I realized a while ago that I have been practicing DILIGENTLY at a few things.  I wish I could say I had gotten my guitar chops back from 1987, or that my fastball is averaging 92mph, or even that I can do 30 minutes on the treadmill without being winded, but truth be told, the things I have been practicing are not nearly as exciting, glamorous, or even desirable.

I think that as life grows ever more complex with age, maturity, and responsibility, we begin to lose consciousness of some of the things we need to pay attention to most.  I am, surely, victim to, guilty of, befallen with this malady, and as such I have found myself well <em>practiced</em> at such things as failure of the spirit, enabling toxic cyclical conditions in my life, and pan-optic isolationism.

I also believe that with mere acknowledgment, the cement and sediment of occult accumulated beliefs and patterns can be loosened so that change may begin.  So, perhaps in asking oneself this simple question, one might loosen the ties that hold him/her in these detrimental conditions and healing can occur.

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